Supporting you through stress and adversity with compassionate, evidence-based therapy.



Individual therapy is a non-judgemental and supportive space to explore and talk through life stressors, adverse experiences, feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns. Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, bipolar, or addiction, my work is grounded in evidence-based therapies that both teach coping skills and tools while gaining insights. We start where you are and move toward your identified goals for your self and your life.

Skills Training

As part of the process, I will incorporate a variety of evidence-based skills and techniques designed to assist you in managing emotions, coping with stressors, and regulating mood. I draw from Mindfulness-based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, parts work, as well as experiential and somatic therapies.


As part of the individual therapy process, we will work toward gaining insights about thoughts and behavioral patterns. Your values and personal goals are our guides.


Recovery is possible! You will not be alone. No matter the struggle there is hope. Small incremental change can and will lead to progress and reclaiming joy.


Combining learned tools with your insights, and customized to your needs and goals, will result in improving your quality of life and finding balance and joy.

“Out of suffering a lotus flower of happiness can open.”

— Thich Nhat Hanh

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.